Thursday, January 24, 2008

Phrase: The world's tallest man is sitting in that hatchback.

Scene: DynaGen Labs, San Fernando, CA. Sally and Chester are on a tour.

Tour Guide: Through the window on your left you will see our geneticists separating the DNA from as-yet unassigned stem-cells. The strands are then spliced and reinserted into those same cells. They are then incubated.

Sally: Spliced with what?

TG: That's an excellent question. The possibilities here at DynaGen are literally limitless. Now, if you follow me through this door and down the hall, you'll get a peek at our sorting process.

S to Chester: That wasn't really an answer.

C: Did he say literally limitless?

TG: (Gesturing toward another window). After the incubation period, our geneticists take a small sample of the DNA to see if and how it has mutated. Those with desirable traits are sent on.

S: What happens to the other ones, the non-desirable ones?

TG: That is an excellent question. If you will all follow me through these doors, you will see some of our finished products.

S: (to Chester.) That wasn't really an answer.

C: Did he say products?

TG: To your right, you'll see the world's smallest man is sitting in that teacup. And to your left, you'll see the world's tallest man is sitting in that hatchback.

S: Why a hatchback?

TG: That is an excellent question.

By A. H.

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